Recensies bestuurdersleergang 'Heel de organisatie'

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Foto Titia

Titia Verdenius, Consultant Educational development

I wanted to be able to commit myself unlimitedly as an instrument for change in my work as a consultant in higher education. I chose this trajectory to look at and rewrite everything from my life and system of origin that got in the way of that instrumentality. The 'healing leadership'-trajectory was intense, at times very tough, but also enormously enriching. Marieke helped me to upgrade myself to the next level. I stand more firmly on my feet, as a person and also as a consultant.

Foto Frank Philips

Frank Philips, Entrepreneur

In the past year my inner journey has gained momentum. Marieke has the gift of sensing very precisely where my blockages are, preventing me from being my true self. Step by step she peeled off layer by layer together with me. As I got closer and closer to myself, I experienced more self-love and acceptance of who I am and what my mission is. I was a very rational thinker beforehand, but my relationships, private and business, now come much more from my heart. So I experience more interconnection and trust. If we all connect with each other in this way, the world will be a much kinder place. 

Esther Kruize, Coach Team- & Organisation Development

Marieke quickly made her point during the intake. I found it fascinating to see and feel how she saw me. In a split second she reveals and she mirrors. Just what I wanted. Her profound depth is what I honour in her. She's never floaty or vague. She's clear and direct and guided me with understanding and feminine softness. Marieke shared a lot of her own experiences in her work and professional life. From recognition our connection arose in a natural way. That made me feel very comfortable during co-creation. Marieke postioned herself as an equivalent, which made her very authentic to me and an example of healing leadership.  

Sharon Hollman, Director Companion Healthcare Nederland 

"I often felt that something wasn't right, but couldn't find the words for it. During Marieke's course 'Healing Organizations' I did find the words. It allowed me to interpret and give clear language to what my underbelly had already sensed. Systemic intelligence saved me a lot of energy, because now I can quickly see what structural system errors look like and I can detect systemic entanglements as well very quickly. Also, my boundaries have become very clear. If I am not responsible for it, I warn or advise the Board or fellow managers about it. Even for my own team, your course has had a healing ripple effect. My team is much better able to set clear boundaries too and they feel more secure and strong because of it".

Ingrid Bauer, Business Consultant

“With Marieke I made a very special journey through my past. I got a lot of insights  what was silently, subconsciously blocking me in my work. By acknowledging it I could let it go. Now I feel a lot more lighthearted and a whole lo more wiser than before, because Marieke also showed me who I essentially am. I now know that I can trust my own intuition and clearsentience. My hunger for control and external validation is gone. Marieke brought peace and stimulated my self-confidence."

Jolanda Dwarswaard, Directeur Koninklijke Kentalis 

During Marieke's course 'Healing Organizations' I learned very much what is mine, and what is the other person's responsibility. I was inclined to carry many monkeys on my shoulders, because I feel and see where systemblindness leads to neglect. Also, I am someone who likes to do things right. But now I don't let myself be taken for someone else's ride. I can take much better care of myself and my team because with every request I keep asking questions about my task, responsibility, authority and intended effect on the whole. When these do not "make sense" and contribute to the essence of our work, I hand back the assignment.

Violeta Seijas, Embodyment Coach

Through an organizational constellation that Marieke facilitated, I was able to see her professionalism and mastery of a complex issue for a traumatized organization. She has a helicopter view and she dares, without effort, to go to the detail level of any entanglement of the leaders present. In this way, she makes visible what is going on on a personal, the organizational and also a collective level. Marieke deliberately asks experienced representatives who know how to tune in to the quantum field so that she can work holistically. Marieke, I dare say, is an organizational constellation facilitator with a very broad consciousness. I saw how in a short time she made the members of the executive team aware of the entanglements of their system.

Gerard Jasperse, Consultancy Farmaceutical Industry

“Marieke has a gift for using her intuition and senses to read me and make sure I got to see myself on a deeper level. Now I feel able to make other choices that suit my soul and spirit. Workwise and in my private life. Now I am courageous enough to stand for my own spiritual and intuitive side. Marieke's book inspired me to look at organizations and transformation-processes in a totally different way”. 

Liz la Force, Healer Love4Life Academy

I experienced Marieke as a calm and intuitive facilitator of the systemic constellation work. She managed to bring clarification and a tangible breakthrough in an old pattern/emotion in a short time. This created more space and energy. I definitely recommend Marieke when you get stuck somewhere as a person or organization. And want to get things moving again.

Angela de Vries, Process Supervisor and Interim Manager

“Marieke brings you to where you have never been in your consciousness. You stop thinking and start shifting on a soul level what needs to be transformed. After this inner process I experience more effortlessness in my role as a familiymember and in the organization where I work. I sense more natural self-evidence in my leadershipstyle. It comes from a deeper layer of inner knowing. That gives me more peace, space and pleasure." 

Liza van de Graaf, Projectlead Government

“Thanks to the 'Healing Leader' mentorship I feel anchored in myself. Marieke recognoized and acknowledged my claisentience and gifts. She loosned me from my past, where people didn't value me. To me, it's incredibally smart and knowledgable how Marieke was able to transform my pain into power. No physician, scientist or psychologist coud ever do that with me. Because of the mentorship I feel ready to jump and take my position".

Boarddirector, mental health care facility 

Marieke is honest, warm and thorough. She exposes both the noise on the line and the murkiness under the water in a careful and safe manner. This has given me more insight into how I can see through and break my own patterns and those within my organization. 

Executive coach, government

Marieke sees everything! She is energetic, analytical and always considers social and organizational issues from the bigger picture, the context in which they arose. 

Head of Medical Staff, hospital 

Through Marieke's neutral attitude and powerful interventions, she cracked the hardest nuts, brought back the sense of purpose. The job satisfaction is back and we are a lot more decisive. 

Boarddirector, welfare organization

Because Marieke broadened my insights about patterns and powers in organizations and my own, I had the guts to introduce impopular measures that were very necessary to restore the balance. I also saw what the employees lacked with the former director, so I could restore that too. Only half a year later our external partners are enthousiastic too (government and healthinsurance). We're thriving again and some of the employees that turned their back, are coming back. Without Marieke showing the way to our wholeness, we would not be healing right now. 

Boarddirector, elderly care facility

The energy with which Marieke supervises our processes and senses, enlightens and supports is heartwarming. She says what needs to be said. That makes me feel secure and safe. 

Boarddirector, youth care

In "a split second" Marieke saw where the underlying patterns in my family system and that in our youth care facility corresponded. It immediately gave me new inspiration to get to the root of the patterns. Marieke guided me to the deepest shadows of myself the organization, so that the recovery and healing process could begin.  

Nicky Hoenderboom, Consultant Organizationdevelopment

“Eventhough I put myself through quite a bit of systemic coaching and other personal development classes, the mentorship Healing Leaders with Marieke brought me much more clarity and sharpness. I have found myself, remembering who I am and am able to connect with my heart and soul easier than before. Marieke taught me how to let go of a lot of ballast in my live. She has a gift to present her broad awareness and great intuition with a good dose of Dutch sobriety. Combined with her humour and her sharp observations it feels really delicious to be guided by her, provided that you are willing and able to see what's going on in your life and work". 


Marieke is gedreven, scherp, helder en een aangenaam persoon om mee te werken. Haar helderheid is een verademing en ze is een frisse wind! 

Director, Hospital

Marieke is very to-the-point and sets clear boundaries. She transforms negative energy together with leaders into honest, proactive and effective behavior and healthy cooperation. 

Healing leaders

I am Marieke van Voorn and I guide visionary leaders and cyclebreakers to transmute the establisment to co-create a healing and sustainable organization. 

Healing Leaders (2022) originates from Een Heldere Zaak that was founded in 2010.  

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Healing Leaders

Healing Leaders is based in Amersfoort in the Netherlands.

Photo's: Pauli Puur

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